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As a full service company we can build you a new fireplace or chimney from the ground up. Already have one that is crumbling from age or weather exposure? We can solve that problem as well, removing the problem areas and rebuilding them, restoring their original beauty and strength. Looking into stone veneers? We do that too. Sidewalk, patio, porch or wall? Give us a call!

A Little Now to Save A Lot Later
Proper maintenance will increase the life span of any investment. We offer many options, such as tuck pointing both brick and stone to stop small cracks from growing bigger, waterproofing treatments to stop cracks from starting and pouring concrete crowns and caps to stop the infiltration of water thru the top.

Products for the Future
Fireplace? Wood stove? Oil or gas heating unit? We can guide you through your options when choosing a stainless steel liner and provide you with top quality installation using products that last. We also offer options on installing prefabricated stainless steel chimney systems and wood/gas stoves and inserts.
Other services include: Leak Identification and Mitigation, Solving Drafting Issues, Installing Stainless Steel Chimney Caps and Dampers, and Chimney and Fireplace Cleaning and Inspection.